Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Five Senses Activities and Lesson Plans

Fives Senses
In the last week I have been researching books that would be good to recommend to use in conjunction with the five senses theme for Preschool and Kindergarten aged children. To be honest, I just haven't come across any that I feel strongly about recommending. The book Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young is a great book to introduce the sense of sight. Click on the title for more information. Seven blind mice find something strange by their pond. It is quite interesting how each of them had a different perception of what it could be. This concept can be further expanded by viewing optical illusion pictures. Another the book I felt worthwhile is called You Can't Smell a Flower With Your Ear - by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Mavis Smith. Click on the title to learn more about the book. The book explains in scientific terms (but simplified) about why we hear, taste, see, smell and taste. The book also gives you ideas for experiments to help expand on the concepts introduced. To be honest, I felt the emergent readers presented as a shared reader experience and the follow-up activities found on my sister website offered more of an opportunity for the children to be more actively involved in learning the concepts (just my opinion though). Young children learn best from hands on activities. Click on the following link to visit my sister website for ideas Kindergarten and Preschool Activities and Lesson Plans.

Five Senses Songs found in the links below:
Song 1
Song 2
Song 3

If you have books that you would recommend please feel free to comment suggestions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The lesson plan Monster Fun Learning the Five Senses utilizes the children's picture book, Brave Little Monster to help reinforce what students have been taught about the five senses. You can find information about the lesson plan and book at http://www.bravemonster.com/lessonplansenses.htm.