Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ocean Theme Lesson Plans and Activities

Kindergarten and Preschool Ocean Theme and Activities

One book I would recommend is Swimmy by Leo Lionni to use in conjunction with the Ocean theme. This is a delightful book that not only introduces different sea creatures but effectively relays the importance working together (co-operation). Click on the book name to read reviews about it.
A follow-up to reading this book would be to discuss the importance of team work. In gym time co-operation games could be played as a means to focus on this. The game called Killer Sharks and Fish under the Ocean Theme heading in the link below would be a good game to develop this concept:
Preschool and Kindergarten Activities and Lesson Plans

Further research on the sea creatures that Swimmy sees would be a good follow-up activity. In the links below you will find photographs of these sea animals that could be used to initiate the discussion.

Sea Anemones

Visual Discrimination
Each of the pictures in the photographs have their names indicated on them. Make word cards and the children try to match the word to the one on the photograph.

Related Crafts
Make a large template of a large fish. Have children sponge smaller shape fish within it to represent how Swimmy formed a team to scare off enemies.

Children guess how many fish can be made within the big fish. Count them.

Click on the link for more More Preschool and Kinderplans Ocean Lesson Plans and Activities

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